Corporate NSA Logos

I’ve created some corporate NSA logos. Feel free to copy and distribute them. More background information:

Wikipedia article on PRISM Surveillance Program

Washington Post: U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program

The Guardian: NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies

The Atlantic: PRISM Companies Start Denying Knowledge of the NSA Data Collection

3 Responses to “Corporate NSA Logos”

  1. yupnot Says:

    Al, your humor is appreciated down here at the Agency, we’re all rolling on the floor. However, we are not sure anyone else will know what you’re trying to get across.

    Hilarious and subtle, thanks amigo.


  2. Xaume Says:
  3. cmarangu Says:

    Those are hilarious

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